Faroverde Financing Program

An opportunity for local actors to carry out their project

The CEF launched the Faroverde Funding Program in 2023 to support projects that aim to improve the education, empowerment, and health of children and women in Ecuador. This program is aimed at non-profit organizations in Ecuador, or established groups established in Ecuador that have a project that meets Faroverde’s objectives and that falls within one of our areas of intervention. The Faroverde funding programme is one of the main areas of development of the CEF for the next few years and aims to contribute directly to the resolution of specific problems by allowing local actors to lead the operations. We are working closely with our partners on the ground to follow up on these concrete and innovative initiatives.

Program Objectives

To meet the requirements of the program, your project must meet one or more of the following objectives:
– Your project must contribute to one or the other of our two areas of intervention, namely education and empowerment- It must promote the sense of physical and moral security of women and children- It must help create a healthy and safe environment.- It must strengthen the capacities of women and children to achieve a form of autonomy,  whether physical, financial, psychological, social or legal.

Eligibility criteria

To meet the requirements of the program, your project must meet all of the following criteria:

– Be a non-profit organization headquartered in Ecuador or be an incorporated group established in Ecuador- Submit a complete application in accordance with the objectives of the program- Produce the project on Ecuadorian territory

Not all: 
– For-profit organization
– Organization that promotes a religion exclusively – An organization that has a political purpose or promotes a political party

Evaluation criteria

Applications are analyzed by an evaluation committee and the selected projects are submitted for approval to the selection committee of the Foundation for Children of Ecuador. An approximate period of three months must be allowed between the deadline for the submission of the application and the announcement of the final decision. We will evaluate: – The overall quality and impact of the project- The expertise of the organizational members and financial balance

Payment terms

The organization or group that receives financial assistance under the program undertakes to:

 – Produce an interim report on the progress of the project

– Provide photographs of the copyright-free project

– Provide the final report within a maximum period of 3 months

– The final payment of the financial contribution (10% of the support) will be given to the organization upon approval of the report

Submit a project

For the realization of your project, expenses related to the general operation of your organization are not eligible. The amount of financial aid may not exceed 85% of the overall budget of the project.

The 4 projects supported in 2024

The Kichwa community artisans’ project in the Amazon

El Grupo de mujeres Uru Warmi

The project aims to empower Kichwa women to actively participate in handicraft marketing and agroecological production. This will allow them to access income for adequate food, while improving their socio-economic conditions. Women, mainly from 7 communities, are traditionally responsible for agriculture and children’s education. The project addresses three main challenges in the Canelos region: malnutrition, diseases related to contaminated water, and low participation of women in community spaces due to discrimination and violence. By strengthening women’s economic empowerment, the project aims to preserve local culture and identity, while promoting solidarity and environmental protection.

The impacts of the project

  • Impact on health and nutrition: The implementation of agroecological practices and the promotion of healthy diets led to a significant improvement in the nutrition and health of the families participating in the project. Rates of malnutrition and diseases related to inadequate nutrition have decreased significantly.
  • Social impact: The project promoted the empowerment of Kichwa women by encouraging them to actively participate in agricultural and handicraft activities. This increased participation has also led to an increasing involvement of men in these initiatives, thus strengthening community ties.
  • Cultural impact: With a focus on the preservation of ancestral traditions, the project has contributed to maintaining the cultural richness of the Kichwa communities. Environmentally friendly production techniques and artisanal production have made it possible to preserve and transmit traditional know-how.
  • Environmental impact: The project took a balanced approach between the conservation of natural resources and their rational use. By minimizing the use of agrochemicals and promoting the use of natural materials in the manufacture of handicrafts, he has contributed to the preservation of the Amazon ecosystem.

The project “Sinchi Warmi, Valiant Woman”

Fundación Nosotras con Equidad

The mission of the Fundación Nosotras con Equidad is to promote the rights of every individual, especially victims of domestic violence, whether women, girls, boys or adolescents, and thus contribute to social change through the awareness and prevention of violence against women and gender inequality. Its vision is to be able to reach victims and adapt to ever-changing changes and social situations. It also aspires to become a professional reference in the field of assistance and prevention of violence against women, as well as in the field of gender equality. Nosotras con Equidad was born as a technical support to the Commissariat of Women and Family of the municipality of Riobamba. Its initial objective was to contribute to the resolution of intra-family problems through the administration of justice, while at the same time implementing actions to prevent, guide and defend the human rights of women, children, adolescents and the elderly who are victims of violence.

The impacts of the project

  1. Access to resources and services: The project facilitates access to vital resources and services for women and their families by establishing collaborations with public and private bodies such as decentralized autonomous governments, community police, health centers, schools, etc. Services such as psychological support, legal and medical assistance are provided to help women cope with violence and seek help when needed.
  2. Changing attitudes and social norms: The project focuses on transforming attitudes and social norms that perpetuate gender-based violence. Awareness campaigns and community-based educational activities are carried out to promote mutual respect, gender equality and non-violence, aiming to generate sustainable collective impact and produce long-term cultural change.
  3. Maximizing impact through communication and community involvement: To maximize its impact, the project uses traditional media and social media to raise awareness and build community support. In addition, a group of women leaders is formed to act as watchdogs to ensure that institutions fulfill their role impartially and for the benefit of the community.

The project “For a life in autonomy”

La Fundación Pueblito La Ternura

The mission of the Fundación Pueblito La Ternura is to welcome and accompany children, girls and adolescents facing high-risk family situations, including physical and moral abandonment, orphanages, domestic violence, extreme poverty, unemployment, as well as the children of incarcerated mothers and victims of sexual abuse. Following our Franciscan charism, we are committed to transforming the reality of each individual so that they can become, with autonomy and freedom, the actors of their own personal and social development.

As part of this project, seven young girls between the ages of 17 and 20 are currently receiving support, while preserving their anonymity. The CEF plays a key role in this initiative, not least because when they reach the age of majority, girls must leave the foundation. As part of this program, we help them settle into new apartments, facilitating their transition to independence. The project aims to provide them with essential support to overcome a range of difficult challenges, including family abandonment, physical or sexual violence, addiction to toxic substances and financial difficulties. The primary objective is to support them in their educational and professional development to promote their autonomy and encourage them to contribute positively to their own lives and that of their families. The core of the mission is to equip them to become competent women who can be self-sufficient by creating viable businesses, which strengthens their independence and financial freedom.

The impacts of the project

  • Emotional, psychological and professional support to promote autonomy and emancipation;
  • Financial support for law studies to improve life prospects;
  • Assistance in obtaining housing, stable employment and cooking training to start a business;
  • Academic support to become a childminder and access a stable job;
  • Accompaniment until high school graduation, followed by support for university studies;
  • Support to complete high school and train in veterinary medicine;
  • Financial assistance for high school and university education due to family abandonment.

The project to prevent domestic violence

Fundación Maria Guare

The mission of Fundación María Guare is to defend the human rights of women and families, strengthening their integral development through prevention, legal, social and psychological assistance mechanisms, to promote gender equity. The organization’s vision is to become a supporting organization in defending the violated rights of women and families, to achieve gender equity at the provincial and national levels.

They offer support to low-income women survivors of gender-based violence by providing legal, psychological, and social counseling and accompaniment. In Ecuador, 6 out of 10 women have experienced some type of gender-based violence. In addition, 6 out of 10 women who attend a Literacy Centre have experienced some type of gender-based violence in their relationships. In addition, 42.5% of women who are victims of gender-based violence do not think or want to separate from their partner.

The project supported by Faroverde consists of a six-month prevention program in the Guayaquil region, particularly in the Pascuales area. The Fundación María Guare will intervene specifically in synergy with the Rosalia Foundation in Pascuales. This programme aims to implement actions to prevent gender-based violence and promote gender equity in the region. Planned activities include awareness-raising campaigns, training and information sessions, workshops on the human rights of women and families, as well as community-based interventions to strengthen mechanisms for the prevention and protection of victims of gender-based violence. The collaboration between Fundación María Guare and the Rosalia Foundation will maximize the impact of the program by combining their expertise and resources to reach a greater number of people in the Pascuales region. Together, they will work to provide integrated support to women and families affected by gender-based violence, with a focus on awareness, empowerment and prevention.

The impacts of the project

  1. Increased awareness: Through awareness campaigns and community-based interventions, a major impact will be increased awareness of the issue of gender-based violence in the Pascuales region. Residents will be better informed about the different forms of gender-based violence, their rights and the resources available to get help. This will help break the silence surrounding domestic violence and encourage victims to seek help.
  2. Women’s empowerment: The program will provide trainings and workshops aimed at strengthening women’s empowerment and capacity to recognize, prevent, and respond to gender-based violence. By learning skills in self-defence, negotiation and access to resources, women will be better equipped to deal with situations of violence and to actively engage in promoting gender equity within their communities.
  3. Strengthening support networks: Working in collaboration with the Rosalia Foundation and other local actors, Fundación María Guare will contribute to the strengthening of support networks for victims of gender-based violence in Pascuales. This will include the establishment of effective referral systems to legal, psychological and social assistance services, as well as the development of partnerships with local institutions to ensure a coordinated and holistic response to gender-based violence. By strengthening these support networks, the program will help ensure that victims receive the help and support they need to rebuild their lives safely.
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