Sponsoring and corporate donations

The donations and corporate sponsorships allow the Foundation to finance expenses related to:

  • the increase of the number of children in the daycare center (10 more this year)
  • the development of our English and computer classes
  • the establishment of a center for sewing at the center for women
  • the maintenance of the new cybercafé with free access to single mothers and their children
  • to help a library of local literature

In total, these activities benefit more than 400 people in the community of Pascuales.




About the Children of Ecuador Foundation

The Children of Ecuador Foundation is a nonprofit whose mission is to help the single mothers of Pascuales, a suburb of Guayaquil (in Southern Ecuador), in which there are more than 3 million inhabitants and whose suburbs contain the poorest areas in the country.

Founded in 2002, the Foundation has since supported more than 4000 women through its Center for Women (Madre Rosalia Center for Women) and has also helped more than 1500 children further their education thanks to its sponsorship program, which supports them from the daycare all the way through to university.


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